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10 effective home remedies for diabetes, you should know

1 lemon: a diabetic patient feels more thirsty.  Therefore, in the state of thirst again and again, squeezing lemon and drinking it, the excess of thirst is relaxed.

 2 Cucumbers: Diabetic patients are advised to take little food and light meal from hunger.  In such a situation, one feels hunger again and again.  In this situation, hunger should be eaten by eating cucumber.

 3 carrot-spinach: These patients should drink carrot-spinach juice mixed with it.  This removes weakness of the eyes.

 4 Turnip: The patient of diabetes should use taroi, gourd, parwal, spinach, papaya etc. more.  The use of turnip also reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.  Therefore, things like turnip vegetables, parathas, salads etc. can be changed by changing the taste.

 5 Jamun: Jamun is a traditional medicine in the treatment of diabetes.  Jamun is said to be the fruit of a diabetic patient, so it will not be an exaggeration, because its kernels, bark, juice and pulp are all very beneficial in diabetes.  Jamun should be consumed as medicine according to the season.

 Handle and collect 6 berries.  Its seeds are found to contain an element called jambolin, which prevents the starch from turning into sugars.  Fine powder of kernels should be maintained.  Two to three times a day, taking three grams of water with water reduces the amount of sugar in the urine.

7 Bitter gourd: Bitter gourd has been used as a diabetes medicine since ancient times.  Its bitter juice reduces the amount of sugar.  The patient of diabetes should drink its juice daily.  It provides amazing benefits.  According to new researches, boiled bitter gourd water has the potential to eliminate diabetes permanently.

 8 Methi: There is a lot of discussion about the use of Methidane for the treatment of diabetes.  Pharmaceutical companies have brought Methi powder to market.  It also cures chronic diabetes.  Keep the powder of methiyan.  Swallow two teaspoons of powder on an empty stomach every morning.  In a few days you will be amazed to see its amazing potential.

 9 Wheat Jowar: Wheat plants have curative properties.  The juice of small wheat plants also removes incurable diseases from the root.  Its juice matches forty percent of human blood.  It is called Green Blood.  Remove half a cup of fresh juice and give it to the patient for half a cup.  Take it in half a cup every morning and evening.

 10 Other Remedies: Regularly two teaspoons of neem juice, four teaspoons of banana leaf juice should be taken twice a day.  Taking four spoons of gooseberry juice, a decoction of gudmar leaf in the morning and evening is also a panacea for diabetes control.

 Note: This article has introduced some homegrown prescriptions for diabetics.  Be sure to consult your doctor before trying any of these.

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