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If you have muscle pain or problem related to bones, rock salt is beneficial

Excess of salt can harm your health, but if you eat rock salt in the right quantity, you can have many health benefits.  Come, know about them only -

 About 65 types of mineral salts are found in 1 rock salt, which are helpful in protecting from many diseases.  At the same time, it has a great advantage that it is beneficial for digestion.  Since it forms digestive juices, it is also helpful in relieving constipation.

 2 It is helpful in lowering cholesterol, which also reduces the chances of heart attack.  Apart from this, rock salt is also beneficial in controlling high blood pressure.

 3 It will be beneficial to eat rock salt when stress is high, it maintains the levels of serotonin and melatonin hormones in the body, which help you in fighting stress.

 4 If you have muscle pain or cramps, or any problem related to bones, by taking rock salt, your problem will be completely eradicated gradually.

 After having 5 stones i.e. stone, drinking rock salt and lemon mixed with water, the stone starts melting within a few days.  At the same time, rock salt is beneficial in reducing sinus pain.

 6. Consumption of rock salt is very beneficial for patients with diabetes and asthma and arthritis.  It is also beneficial in controlling sugar levels in the body.

 7 Rock salt is effective in insomnia, while it is also used in skin diseases and dental diseases.  Using rock salt is also a better way to reduce obesity.

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